i am very messy and have loads of stuff that i technically don't NEE, and to others it is rubbish - but I am a designer and these items are for my job and will be used eventually.
i have sometimes got rid of a load of stuff, been ruthless, only to find my next jobs requires something i have binned and i have to trawl shops to replace it - and i am obviously annoyed as i haven't the time - so i tend to keep most things.
drives me and everyone else mad, as they can't see the potential or the point - but, well, i know my job and it saves me time and money in the long run - its just unfortuanate that i have to live with it all!
i also, bizzarely, have loads of empty drawers, cupoboards and boxes etc because when i go to put stuff in them i want to designate a type of thing for each drawer - but never quite can, so end up leaving everything out on display!!
its lucky i live alone really