Following on from Laurences post about santa, i was wondering what things your parents had you believe in as a child? I remember being told by a family friend that he had a button inside his car that turned all the little lights on in the middle of the road. It was years before i realised it was the headlights and the reflection on the cat's eyes.
My son already calls my fax a magic machine as Ive told him it writes things by magic. And big chimneys in industrial areas make the clouds, and lifts are magic boxes that you go into and when you come evrything has changed.
Am I messing with his head or giving him a fun childhood?
This is really daft but my Mum had this friend who was from Granada. This lady used to tell us that her dad was Idi Armin and we all believed her. He was always on the news at that time and just the thought that he was her dad scared me half to death! Bloody adults and their lies! lol
When I was really young a friend of my dads said he had a squeaking belly button. He used to press it and (of course) made the noise with his mouth but I thought it was real. I still refer to him as the man with the squeaky belly button.
I think you're giving him a fun childhood redcrx, at least I hope so, because I lie through my teeth to my kids about Santa, and Dragons, trolls, toothfairey's and all the rest of em. I love that childhhod suspended belief thing they have before they get to about ten and start to know everything:)
my brothers and sisters used to tell me that if i was bad they wold put me into the childrens home called the white house!! it even extended to my brother ringing the whitehouse to book a for 1 please!!! i use to brick myself and promise that i would be a good boy!!
it wasnt until many years later i found out the whitehouse is a restaurant in the middle of cannock chase!!!
thank you Nox, Its nice to know that you agree with me on that. I hope that he loves his childhood and remembers such fun things for when (or if) he has his own kids and can do same thing for them.
Can you remember when little sis found your box of tampons when she was little and asked what they were, and you told her they were nose cleaners, stick them up your nose and pull the cord and they start cleaning :-)
My son believes in loads of thing from the Tooth Firy to the Easyer Bunny still. One thing that makes me smile is when er go to his grandparents.They have an electric garage door,and they tell my son that it only opens if he shouts Abracadabra at the top of his voice,so whenever grandad wants to get the car out he asks my son to shout the magic word,whilst grandma secretly pushes the button to make the door rise.His face is a picture as he really does think he has made the door open by magic.
My son believes in loads of thing from the Tooth Fairy to the Easter Bunny still. One thing that makes me smile is when we go to his grandparents.They have an electric garage door,and they tell my son that it only opens if he shouts Abracadabra at the top of his voice,so whenever grandad wants to get the car out he asks my son to shout the magic word,whilst grandma secretly pushes the button to make the door rise.His face is a picture as he really does think he has made the door open by magic.
My mum use to tell us that the 'rag and bone man' use to take away naughty children, just to well scare me and brother when we heard them ringing there bell!
My grandad use to get a slice of carrot and pretend to pick a goldfish out of this tank and eat it.
lol Laurence,
My brother was once playing up and my dad started telling him horrible stories about boys who were naughty finding bats in their beds.
When my brother went to bed he found a bat in the bed, a cricket bat!!
My daughter used to be a fussy eater and when my mum came to stay, she would tell her there were fairies in the bottom of her dish. She would eat her food and then be dissapointed 'cause there were no fairies.