It's not what you look like - because as we all know, no-one really gives a toss - it's what you THINK you look like, and if you are insecure enough to think people think less of you for being bald.
As a balding man, I can honestly say I'm not enthralled about it, but I accept it, and as a married man of twenty years, it's not sexual attraction that worries me.
Truth is, when I knew I was loosing my hair, I went for a Number Two, and have it cropped every two weeks. I believe it looks tidier, and it shows I don't care - which I do, but not very much.
I know what my attractions are - they were never really physical at any age, except I did have seriously nice curly hair in my twenties - but I know my conversation is more fascinating than my hair, and that's what works for me.