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netibiza | 12:27 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
Where have we gone?


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. wait when yer misse's finds out what you just told us Ratter....hehe..! write's down in me diary carakeels a biddy...(:O)
hiya ninia
yep neti it's hard when the only thing you pull is ya tartan trolley....

be afraid Vincent....charlie's had his hair cut & he's not best pleased.....
I'm back now AND I'm all wrinkly from my bath - can I quality now!!
** OOPS qualify
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Athley yes you qualify now, but please never ever mention the word "wrinkly" again!!!
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How can that Ed sleep in her bed at night???
lol Vinny - it's my turn for a crimp on Mon....hope I don't end up looking like he does...

we'll have to get banned more often - I haven't seen you lot so lively since BogBiddyCamp....

Don't think ed's back from xmas hols yet ....has anyone seen the great pink one?

I really wish I hadn't phrased it that way....
LOL It will take us the better part of the night to find THE picture to illustrate your freudian slip, Robinia...

Hey Vinny, I didn't see your linoleum reply until just now, sorry!
sorry in all the kerfuffle we haven't wished you a Happy New Year kit....or have we?

hope it is anyway, & that you settle quickly into your new old home. :o)
Thanks Robinia; it will be another week or so before I'm there. I'm just having a break today, really need one. Anyways, I'm signing off now, and hope with all my heart to find my way back to you biddies again.

Miss Ed...? We are very upset around here!
Oops sorry will never say the 'w' word again!!!!!!


I saw a big pink thingy robinia,not sure if it belonged to the ED ?(:O)
wrinkly, crinkly, craggy, scraggy, grumpy, frumpy, & windy.
that's us.

no sweti you're not snow white....and that's a fact.
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Life has no meaning now, am just sitting here waiting for news, hopefully good, that we are reinstated. Am wearing cosy yellow pj's with a shocking pink candlewick dressing gown - which just goes to show you all that I am really upset.
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If we get deleted email me on [email protected] and we can arrange somewhere else, as I really don't want to be without my biddymates. Of course it's not my real email!!!
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Mistake with email - it's
[email protected] - it's the .com that I forgot.
I really am having quite a few senior moments,I'm not sure if we are in here or over there ,can anyone help ? Might go for a lie down while you lot sort us all out and I'll need a cup of tea when I get up ,find your butler Shaney</b.I prefer the Royal Doulton china thank you .(feel like the Queen Mother! after all I am the eldest!) .
Nettie would you be able to help me out with something? My brother-in-law committed suicide in ibiza 3 years ago and he was cremated and gone before any of us were told, he owned a bar there with his partner Gary. My other brother-in-law and my ex husband, his broers, are looking for infoamtion on his death and his last resting place. Is there any chance you could give me an idea where to ask please?

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