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whats with all the imposters

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newmantoday | 15:31 Wed 10th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
74 Answers
they should be banned.


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Yes Athley - how do you know ?

The only connection is temporal.
Well you enjoy your great life on the dole. ill enjoy my own house own car and money to do what i want isnt life great.
Well someone has athleyyeah, but apart from the person doing it, no one knows who it was!

Was it newmantodaydoing it? More than likely? Is he odd? again more than likely...but hardly a mangling offence surely?
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You enjoy all of those delightful things, and every month when you get stung for the tax, I'll have a beer just to say a special thanks to you!
big dog... any news on the zyban ? i make no appology for intruding on newmans boring question
Crete....I don't think this can actually be called a question
oops too many ps in apology.
crete the noo, I think I may have to take you off my Christmas list.

Questions are not boring, 46 responses presumably are though :)
ummmm then why are we posting replies ?
Stung for tax!!! Hardly stung i dont mind paying �600.00 a month i love working to proud not to
Hi Crete. I haven't started yet! My brother is coming from Portugal at the weekend, and he smokes like a chimney. We will enjoy our fag and booze for the next few days, then try the Zyban when he's p*ssed off home.
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because you have nothing better to do?
If you read through the other thread with the imposter then this thread again - you will see yourself - unless I am just picking out the obvious!
whiffey im not talking to you , you insulted me a few days ago so no more knitted jumpers for you . and you can make your own curries
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ok, u r a mug, all who work are mugs when you can get free easy money from doing nothing.
bigdog keep us posted ill be interested to hear how you get on.
oooo....this is fun!!! Day 6 of not smoking for me :o]
Athley *nothing* is obvious on a public Q/A site. All you are seeing are numerous new registrations. I sincerely hope your judgements in real life are more cautious.

crete matey, how was I rude to you ? It was probably someone impostererering me.

-- answer removed --

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