People who bully, are invariably bullied themselves ( at some stage in their life).
You cannot say
"oh here is a child who is clearly at an already huge disadvantage because his parent's are absolute t0ssers, who recieves nothing in the form of the love and nurturing that any child needs, so he comes to school and vents his very real anger, hurt and fury on people weaker than he, because that's what he's learned from his dysfunctional parents. I know what I'll do with that child! Because I am bigger than he is, and he is weaker than me, everytime I see him doing something I don't like, I'll hit him with a big stick!"
Can you not see, that that just re-inforces the already negative message that the child has imprinted on him which has caused him to bully in the first place?
You are bullying the child, in the hope of it stopping the child bullying other people?
Come on Theland, you are anything but stupid, you have to know that will never work.
As with everything I think you won't stop most negative behaviour we see until we educate our children as a society to have better values.
Value money less, objects less, people more, kind acts more in school and you will go a long way to correcting everything anyway. Kids are taught to be like this, not just from their dysfunctional parents who crave the latest CHAV accessory, but from their teachers who don't care how nice a child is, they want good SATS results for their league tables, from their peers who think everyone should look like a model and from society generally who is only interested in attractive, have it all, winners.
We all have to up our game as human beings, belting a little kid whose already in need of desperate help really won't solve it.