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My Divorce came through today. I am now freeeeeeeeee!!!

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RATTER15 | 16:41 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
I didn't put it in Relationships and Dating, simply because the relationship is no more!!! it is an EX relationship, the relationship is dead and now is the marriage.

I can be at one with my present love, carakeel!!!!


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RATTER & Carakeel, Wish you both many happy years together, stay as you are you two,and have a great life, I know you have been together a little while now, but at last as you said RATTER the ex really is the EX, Ray
DARLING!!! Please rephrase that! LOL!!! XXX :o))

Grief!!! What is he like? Thank you all for your comments though. It really is nice to have my sweet RATTER's past finally legally sorted.

And yes Love, you are indeed a free man. Well, at least until I get the hand cuffs out (LOL) ... May you feel free spirited and so very much loved for the rest of your life my love! XXX :o)
Hi to both of you, but I cant help feeling a little sad that the marriage ended, forgive me but may i ask a little question, I am just curious, Ratter - How did you meet Carakeel? I don't quite know how to phrase this but were you having an affair ? and what made you decided to leave your wife?
I am pleased you have both found happiness again with each other, but am just interested under what circumstances you met each other - did you leave your wife for Carakeel ?
Sorry if Im being too intrusive, please feel free to tell me to butt out...
I believe in grabbing happiness with both hands no matter what, we only have one life.
RQ xxx
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Hi Roughquest, I got no problem with your questions, you nosy ****** lol.

My marriage ended after I finally threw in the towel after years of grief from my wife, I had been physically attacked on many occasions, emotionally attacked on even more occasions, she was a very talented Women who really knew how to hurt you when you are at your most vulnerable.

I loaded up my camper van and headed for Portugal, I got as far as Dover and phoned my Wife to tell her I had left her, we talked a while and she persuaded me to come home again, so I drove the 250 miles home just so she could give me an ear bashing. I jumped back into my camper and drove back to Dover, I then crossed to France, drove 300 miles down through France, I then stopped to make a coffee and phone my Mum, My Mum was in tears I was in tears, so I drove all the way home and moved in with My sister for a while. All that without a wink of sleep!!!!

There was no third party involved in the break-up and I met carakeel online (but not in the AB) and we physically met as mutual friends with an interest in art at a sculpture garden where carakeel was exhibiting some of her work. I met carakeel some 18 months after my split from my wife.

And lived Happily ever after.

OK, RQ lol

Ahhhhhh, all is clear, thank you Ratter, lovely story, its strange how far one can drive on emotional energy huh? Been there myself. A story with a happy ending.
Well done.....and thank you for enlightening me...
RQ xxxx
Anywhere we can see some of Carakeels work online?

Seen yours, and was well impressed ...
Question Author
Hi Naz, you can see some of her work on this site she is in the proccess of publishing a new website, under construction at the mo.

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