I think in general terms that the way you look says a lot about you, and we often try to do something with our looks to emphasise the parts of our personality that we want to project. Human brain cells and emotions are quite often triggered by visual stimuli which rush thoughts to the neurons in our brains to tell us what we are seeing. Sometimes this is misconstrued, or just plain wrong.
As said above, you are thinking about what your body has been through and your brain is telling you that after all of that, it must be bad. Where in actual fact it probably isn�t.
Similar transgressions arise when we see women who dress in certain ways as tarts or bimbo�s when for all intents and purposes they may be very intelligent, demure or lovely people. Or someone who doesn't keep themselves neat and tidy (trimmed) is uncouth. Our brain is telling us all sorts.
When I look in the mirror, my thought processes give me a solid whack on the funny bone, as I always end up laughing. But that is better than looking at myself and crying isn�t it? Anyway, I�d much rather just stare at the wife, especially in the nuddy (her not me).