Are you any good at it? A number of abers on here lately seem to have a professional interest in analysing our responses and behavior. Do you think this is some sort of covert experiment? I can spot a mummy's boy at 20 paces by the way, it's the polo shirt buttoned to the neck that is the giveaway
spurslady a few of us abers that were techno zapped over the last few weeks each had an email from the techno team saying that we had posted 3 times in 5 minutes and it was against sitte rules and we should explain our behavior to the editor lol i kid u not!
Spurslady - you will be ok soon because they are starting to put screw tops on wine - didn't help me when I tried to pour some out my bottle and realised I had put the top back on it!!
i don't really get all the posts that run along the lines of "have you ever done something you really regretted? Did you do anything about it? what was the out come/ would you do it again? would you tell everyone else you did it? would you apologise for it?
because firstly, why does the poster want to know the random outpourings of loads of anonymous people? And secondly, there are too many questions all together and they make my head hurt. i find jenna's questions a bit like that, so tend not to answer in they cause it just makes me think: why do you want to know?
i Had never thought of it as some kind of covert experiment before ... i just presumed she was bored at work/home!