The dark circles I have under my eyes are so bad now that they go up the sides of my nose. Is there anything to get rid of them permanently intsead of having to disguise them, thanks for any advice.
Baby Jane, I have suffered from this for years, sometimes it is so bad that you would think someome had punched me and given me two black eyes. All I can suggest is to drink plenty of water and perhaps invest in YSL Touche Eclat (think thats what it is called, apparently the stars swear by it but it is �22 so be warned. I haven't personally tried it myself, just cant bring myself to part with that amount of money!
Touch elcat just disguises, doesnt actually get rid of them, and be careful with it if you have sensitive skin, i broke out in a terrible eczema type rash due to it!
I asked a beautician and she said it has happened to a few people she knew because of all the chemicals in it!
chazza, I dont believe that you can actually get rid of them, surely it is the shadowing in the skin, veins etc. I have asked several beauticians and they all said that it is in your physical makeup and the only thing is to drink plenty of water, get as much sleep as possible. I could show you photos of myself when I was 14 and I had them, and that is well over 20 years ago.
Thanks so much for all your advice. I think I will give lots of water a try ( I dont drink enough anyway) as the cream is a bit pricey. As for plenty of sleep,I have always been a poor sleeper maybe thats the root of it all. Any way, you both have been so kind in helping, hope I hear from you both again on AB
TRUST ME ON THIS ONE OK....Max Factor Panstick..various shades to choose from. This actually conceals, touch eclait wont work as good but could be used on top. You can use this as a foundation as it goes on really smooth and silky. Its not to expensive bout �7...believe me iv tried everythin an this is the best. Ive got a wopping black eye and yes you can still see it but the difference..try it xxx
I used to use Max Factor all the time (in my younger days!)
so I think I will again. I remember it used to work well. Thanks for reminding me, Im off now to Boots to buy some.
Your a pal.
have recently come across a product called eyederma... this american... and rated very highly on many sites for solving the problem of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. it is possible to buy the product here on ebay and has a money back guarantee. meant to work in 3 weeks.
am contemplating buying this myself. might be worth a look
Had a look on ebay and found it. I will give anything a try, I have spent a fortune up till now so a few more quid doesnt matter, izzy35 sent me a good link too. Every one has been so helpful,cheers all
i have ried skin doctors it didnt do anything for me nur 76 has changed my life i wear less makeup click onbove link for the eye treatment and they also sell skincare
its just so good
im not one for normally beliveing creams work but this does a damn good job
all the best
thanks love, I had a look and it does seem like good stuff, might give it a try cos my hubby is now calling me panda face and I look as if I have done two rounds in a boxing ring.