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i'm bored

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Sasha13 | 15:14 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
I know this isn't a chat site, but I'm going out of my mind with boredom. I'm at work and have nothing to do. Suggestions? (clean ones!)


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You watch.....I need to use the bathroom and as soon as I do the phone will ring......

How much d'ya bet?
So is mine usually but it's just all going wrong today. I hate Bill Gates.
Glad to have been of assitance ;-)

Bookworm is good!
I'm still bored.....:o(
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Me too. Where you from nat_84?
London, u?
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Swindon at the moment, although moved around loads recently! Recently got a promotion so moved here, hopfully gonna stay here for a while!
So whats ur job title now then?!

I just got a pay rise... i've had two pay rises in two months and was promoted to Office Manager from Admin Assistant.

It soooo boring here though, in the office a lot on my own, so i think he basically pays me to stay here...

But moneys good, so i shouldnt complain!

How old r u?
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Congrats on the promotion! The job title is long and boring - basically I'm a training adviser and am responsible for training new IT systems into stores for a retailer. I'm 28 (boo hoo) - 30 next year! OMG :o(
lmao. 40s are the new 20s so you've got a long way to go yet!

I'm 22.

At least your job title sounds interesting.

I'll probably be leaving here soon though. Not sure if u read in the threads that i'm actually pregnant now. SO doubt i'll wanna work full time when my babys here. WUite looking forward to lookinf for a part time job and something new!

Any children of your own? How long u been in Swindon?
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Congrats again! Think I did read something in one of the other threads about you being pregnant, but if I'd said congrats on that before you said it, you'd have been the wrong person and thought I was a bit strange! When are you due?

Been in Swindon since August but also lived in Norwich, London, Manchester, Liverpool and Bolton in the last 6 years!

No kids - need to find the right man first - fat chance ha ha!!
Bloody 'ell u dont half get around!! lol.

Where in London did u live? Do u miss it?

I work in Baker Street - live in Finchley Road.

awww thanks - i'm due on 14h July - but bound to change i think.
Totally off topic, and sorry to barge in.....but....if you're 28, how can you be 30 next year?
maybe Sasha meant to type 29...? Just a guess..
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I lived in Harrow for about 10 months - didn't really enjoy the pace of life so moved back to Norwich where I had been living before (certainly a bit slower there!!) Don't miss it at all although it may be because I wasn't earning much money then and lived on my own so all my money went on rent rather than socialising!

You see what I mean now about wanting to stay in the same place for a while!

Summer baby - ahh bless - what you hoping for boy or girl? You got any already?

This thread's gonna get reported soon for being too chatty!
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Nope, 28 now, 29th birthday this year, 30 in Nov 2008. It was the first thought that crossed my mind on New Years Day!!
(Do people on this site actually report it..?! - how sad...)
I've had much longer chats on AB in the in particular between a small group of us that lasted a good few hundred

Thats the problem with London...way too fast and can be very stressful. I always think 'i'd love to have a break'. But saying that i dont think i could see myself moving out of London yet. Although we'd get a lot more for our money on the property front!!!

Yeah Summer baby - which is nice. No birthdays during school and a nice occasion in the middle of the year. Both me and my boyfriend were born in Nov and Dec.

Dont really have a preference to what sex it'll be, aslong as it's healthy really. Although my fella says if its girl its going on Ebay...although im sure thats how most men think these days.

Gosh no! This is my first child! Not sure that i wouldve coped as well even if i was a year or two younger. But now i've seen the scan pic, i'm defintely glad we're going through with the pregnancy.

U broody at all? Or not that fussed about whether u have kids or not? Happiest woman i've met is my boyfriends Aunty who's 50, single, no kids, owns her own wedding dress shop, looks great for her age and goes salsa dancing every week!

I never planned ot have kids this early...wouldve liked to wait for a little longer.

(gosh this is a long message!)

When do u finish work? i leave at 5.30! Still an hour and 7 mins to go :o(
LOL hope it ain't Debs you work for lady!!!

jeez i wish i had 2 minutes together in a day to wonder what to do next!
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LOL! I want to be mad at your bloke on your behalf but it's too funny!!!

Would love to have kids eventually although I think at the moment the responsibility would be too much and need to find said fella first! I can't believe there's a bloke out there that I would want to have kids with (harsh but fair) anyway. That being said, when I was growing up I thought I'd have the fella, house and 2.4 kids by now!

I finish work at 5.30 tonight - then rush home, watch ER and out to Netball training! Only 50 mins to go, yay!!!
yeah its strange the path that life takes us all down individually... I certainly didnt plan to have to a kid right now. Only been with my fella for about a year and half (although i suppose it could be worse!). I was actually single for about 3 years until i met him....happiest days of my life ;o) lol - only messin.

I've never been one to watch ER - my usual routine is fella picks me up (unless he's working late), get home, have a snack (usually noodles), watch half of Deal or No Deal on E4 then switch it over to MasterChef at 6.30 - which i sadly adore!!

But tonight i'm going to Hayes straight after work to visit my fellas mum and sister (whos also up the duff).

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