I had a coil fitted about 18 months ago and have not had any menstrual bleeding. (I was on the injection before this) However for the past 2 or 3 months I have had spot bleeding and PMT. Does spot bleeding mean I am ovulating again? Up until this point I had nothing like this and was wondering if either the hormones in the coil were weakening or maybe it had moved. Also the fact that I was on the injection before having the coil fitted muddies the waters a bit because its not like the coil stopped the bleeding and its now started again as I wasn't bleeding on the injection.
Is it worth seeing the family planning clinic about this or is this common?
It can take up to 2 years for your body to get back to normal after the injection, although my youngest was born within 12 months of me coming off it, everyone is different so if your concerned best you speak to your FPC.
Check whether you can still feel the strings of the Mirena to see if it is still there. The hormones should not weaken in strength until after the removal date you have been given (5 years for the Mirena - she says checking her card)
See your FPC, or make an appointment at your GPs with the doc or nurse and let them know your concerns, they'll probably give you a quick coil check.
Thanks for both your answers. I have come off the injection twice before and was menstruating again within 6 months which is why I didn't think my current situ was related to the injection. I have made an appt with family planning and will see what they say.