Music0 min ago
Getting merry?
49 Answers
Britain is a nation of binge drinkers, going out on a Saturday night and drinking until standing becomes a tricky task. Women are predominantly the accused for drinking far too much. With new research suggesting a strong link between depression and binge drinking, let alone all the other health risks excessive drinking poses, we have to wonder why it continues.
Is it because life is so depressing? Or are the Government worrying about nothing?
Is it because life is so depressing? Or are the Government worrying about nothing?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Dot, most questions on AB are raised without citation and are often contentious statements. Some of them have horrendous spelling and grammar to make Charles Dickens cry and the Bronte�s swoon. Some of them aren�t even questions at all and are there simply to raise issues about the penchant for fondant fancies and suchlike.
These questions we are told come from the editorial team and whilst we can grimace at the odd typo, why should we expect that they have a doctorate in a topic that they are raising for views and discussion? If you are suspicious that these are acts of perfidy on behalf of the global market research industry then why not just ignore them, or reiterate naz�s point above? Heaven knows that in the many years you and I have contributed to AB that we are equally guilty of typos and the odd bout of contentiousness. And rarely do we question the intentions (unless blatantly obscene) of the Q and the Q�er in most cases, merely sacrificing our own vainglorious instincts to provide an educated response based on fact, belief or opinion. Why not assume that the AB team is just unaware of rather than parsimonious with the full facts of the issue at hand? Or if you must, contradict their statement with a counter-argument?
Champagne, I just called you to come back to bed.
These questions we are told come from the editorial team and whilst we can grimace at the odd typo, why should we expect that they have a doctorate in a topic that they are raising for views and discussion? If you are suspicious that these are acts of perfidy on behalf of the global market research industry then why not just ignore them, or reiterate naz�s point above? Heaven knows that in the many years you and I have contributed to AB that we are equally guilty of typos and the odd bout of contentiousness. And rarely do we question the intentions (unless blatantly obscene) of the Q and the Q�er in most cases, merely sacrificing our own vainglorious instincts to provide an educated response based on fact, belief or opinion. Why not assume that the AB team is just unaware of rather than parsimonious with the full facts of the issue at hand? Or if you must, contradict their statement with a counter-argument?
Champagne, I just called you to come back to bed.
Hmmm, this binge drinking thing is a load of rubbish. I was doing it when i was 15 and it hasnt affected me. Women dont drink too much, they just cant handle as much drink as men.
Binge drinking is given the name because more women are acting like men and cant handle the pace. So when you see people on the news its always women flaked out and way out of it. The government then cause a panic...
Binge drinking is given the name because more women are acting like men and cant handle the pace. So when you see people on the news its always women flaked out and way out of it. The government then cause a panic...
The attitude to drink in this country is at fault, and as ray has said this is not entirely systemic but the exaggerated problem seems to be almost unique to Britain. There could be a number of reasons for this but in my mind it is our education, laws and culture.
Firstly the education is at fault. Our parents discourage us from drinking (mostly) and it is only really approved of in �social� occasions, whereas in many of our neighbouring countries very young children are exposed to alcohol as an accompaniment to a meal. In Britain we create a certain taboo, which results in over-exuberance when exposed to alcohol. In Europe many people drink sitting down to enjoy it with their meal. In Britain we drink standing up and drink to get drunk.
Secondly, the licensing laws. The British trend towards binge drinking and drug-taking is a reactive response to the taboos placed on alcohol and drugs by society and the laws which impede relaxed drinking without a time frame. The advent of 24 hour drinking has not yet affected the British ethos of the belief that drinking time is limited. Even in northern European countries like Belgium, the different licensing laws encourage a more gradual approach to drinking.
Thirdly, I suppose is a combination of the two above. We lack a certain �caf� culture� in the UK. When we go out to drink, it is purely to drink. In Europe, bars and cafes have tended to be open longer and people tend to drink at a steadier rate - there's not the rapid dash that we've had traditionally in Britain to get the drinks in before closing time.
Spain is seeing a similar rise in binge drinking, although this is a future problem they face, ours is now and it needs a culture shift and this requires us to cultivate our children not only to the pitfalls of alcohol (over-consumption) but also to the benefits of moderation.
Firstly the education is at fault. Our parents discourage us from drinking (mostly) and it is only really approved of in �social� occasions, whereas in many of our neighbouring countries very young children are exposed to alcohol as an accompaniment to a meal. In Britain we create a certain taboo, which results in over-exuberance when exposed to alcohol. In Europe many people drink sitting down to enjoy it with their meal. In Britain we drink standing up and drink to get drunk.
Secondly, the licensing laws. The British trend towards binge drinking and drug-taking is a reactive response to the taboos placed on alcohol and drugs by society and the laws which impede relaxed drinking without a time frame. The advent of 24 hour drinking has not yet affected the British ethos of the belief that drinking time is limited. Even in northern European countries like Belgium, the different licensing laws encourage a more gradual approach to drinking.
Thirdly, I suppose is a combination of the two above. We lack a certain �caf� culture� in the UK. When we go out to drink, it is purely to drink. In Europe, bars and cafes have tended to be open longer and people tend to drink at a steadier rate - there's not the rapid dash that we've had traditionally in Britain to get the drinks in before closing time.
Spain is seeing a similar rise in binge drinking, although this is a future problem they face, ours is now and it needs a culture shift and this requires us to cultivate our children not only to the pitfalls of alcohol (over-consumption) but also to the benefits of moderation.
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It has been noticed over here, that the Brits do seem to go out intentionally to get absolutely smashed! Other nationalities enjoy a drink or two but (with a few exceptions) don't take it too extremes. In my youth I was known to have a drink or two, but now I know when to stop, whereas my Brit hubby doesn't. It appears to be a British disease. I've seen the Brits of both sexes spewing up on the streets whilst on holiday over here, and in all honestly I haven't notice other nationalities being so bad.
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To change the topic slightly, I'm getting very naffed off over how Octavius is using my occasional post about fondant fancies as something to be sneered at on AB- if you don't like 'em Octavius, please don't read 'em. I've not once belittled any of your posts and i'd appreciate the same courtesy.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I used to binge drink every weekend back in the 60's and looking back,its a miracle we girl's did'nt get raped as we used to be absolutely ratted. Not an excuse I know,but there just was'nt the aggression then that there is these days. The police have their work cut out in Cardiff city centre every weekend,A+E is alway's jam packed and many citizens are too scared to go into town. the "Binger's" are out at around 6pm and carry on till dawn. They look for trouble plus they spew up and pee anywhere. Something should be done about these "Binger's" who only go out to get p*****d and be violent. I starred the word btw. Boo, I love fondant fancie's as well mmmmm.
Without reading any of the previous answers, whats new, is female binge drinking.
This is happening because they say if men can do it, why not us?.
Problem there is that women are the sexual prey of men, and when they are drunk, they either can't refuse, or resist the male advances.
But for some reason, they either can't, or won't. see the connection.
In the end, its up to themselves to realise that fact, and their peers to point this out.
But they won't,
This is happening because they say if men can do it, why not us?.
Problem there is that women are the sexual prey of men, and when they are drunk, they either can't refuse, or resist the male advances.
But for some reason, they either can't, or won't. see the connection.
In the end, its up to themselves to realise that fact, and their peers to point this out.
But they won't,
the goverment is rite to worry, and last time i cheked they came up wit a sencible soloution, keepin pubs open 24/7 ovr the weeknds
so ppl have mor time to think over n choose what they wanna drink, not just glug out of any ole bottle
so my question to u AB Asks is, wot do u think? do u think the govermnts clever plan dosnt work or do u think life is too dpressing? and y is life dpressin in britain? is it the weather? if so y?
Why is the government worrying? What's next? Are they going to say where and when you can drink as well as everything else? I know that there are some serious implications linked to this question but to diversify slightly who else is fed up of the "government" (ie do-gooders putting pressure on the government to agree with them) dictating EVERYTHING that goes on? You can't smack your child, you can't smoke, you are too fat, you drink too much...................................I am truly FED UP WITH IT, .....perhaps that is one of the rasons that people drink too much!!!!!!!
I have to admit seeing young birds coming back from the bar with big jugs (of vodka redbull I hasten to add) is a tad strange to see. I hate the "buy on get one free" pubs down the Bigg Market and the ones with the Large Jugs. If I want a 2nd drink I will get one when Ive finished the one Ive got thnk you very much.
The sooner they get rid of the Happy Hour stuff the better. Cheap is fine but the get one free stuff just advocates binging.
The sooner they get rid of the Happy Hour stuff the better. Cheap is fine but the get one free stuff just advocates binging.