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How Many of you are off work today?

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Homer55 | 13:11 Thu 08th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
I work in halifax and the weather's not too bad so were all in, how many of you have decided or been told to not go in to work>


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I have taken 2 days soon as I heard it was going to snow.. !!

I am terrified of driving in this weather, due to a bad experience many years ago - was travelling up a fairly steep hill - mis judged - and the car started to turn to face the other way into on coming cars and going down the hill !! no one-one hurt/injured etc..but i was following my hubby to be at the time and he didn't even stop or realise I wasn't following him anymore...He was the only one who ended up with some injuries !!

Tinac x
Hi Homer - I work in Elland (next door to you) and like you I thought I may be snowed in today - not a hope in hell. Been in to work, all day, watched fat flakes falling turn to water as soon as it hit the ground. Halifax and surrounding areas have got off lightly today.
i'm in sunny gosport, hellion.....ta
i'm off all week, been travelling..... :)

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How Many of you are off work today?

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