Bad piercing? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Bad piercing?

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Greedyfly | 20:33 Tue 14th Oct 2003 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I am the first to admit that I like body piercing and I have obtained a few over the years. But just recently my regular piercer was away on holiday and I wanted my ear lobes piercing (quite tame for me) So I went to a well known piercer in the City I live in. Anyway he pierced my ears and away I went, now three days later and I have had to remove all of my piercings in that ear as it so swollen (huge). I have kept it clean and done all I should have done but it is very angry. Do I have any rights?
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Dont know about rights as such (CAB should be able to help) but you should go back to the peircer in question and establish his qualifications/experience etc. Then you might need to know what metal was used and whether you've become allergic to it.
The same happened to me a few years ago. In my case it was because I already had a few piercings in my ear and they hadn't healed properly even though there was almost a year between the two. I had to take them all out too. I went back to the piercing place and they told me this was the reason and my GP confirmed it. Maybe this could be the reason yours went funny?

Here is a good reason for body piercings should be non piercing.  for example, take a look at <a target='_blank' href=http://www.nipplecharms.com>Non Piercing Nipple Jewelry</a> @NippleCharms.com.

Good luck and hope you feel better

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