What 5 things or people would you put in in room 101? My 5 would be.. 1. Cilla Black 2. GMTV 3. Country and Western Music 4. Bullies 5. Those annoying loan/claim adverts on TV.
1. Men who hit Women and children
2.people who get their kicks by belittling others
3. aggressive people
3. people who think that being drunk is an excuse for being violent and abusive. Their is nothing wrong with being drunk, but if you become unpleasant when drunk, give it up!!
4. People who think that because they have money, they are something special, in fact when many people become wealthy, they turn into ********* and deserve no respect at all!!
5.Corrupt politicians, police, etc
Hi, curlyfilm. Looks like I'll be the last one to post on this: makes me think nobody wants to talk to me.
1. People who ask me to make lists
2. People who lean over my shoulder when I' making lists.
3. People who say "no, don't put that one on the list".
4. People who glance at the list, scrumple it up, and walk
5. People who leave the "m" out of "I'm". See (2) above.