Irresponsible mother!! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Irresponsible mother!!

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PinkFizz | 10:34 Thu 15th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
I cannot believe what I saw this morning! As I was getting in my car after dropping my son at school I saw the woman parked in front of me return to her car with several people. A young woman got in the back of the car and sat a small boy on her lap, the female driver got in, and then another woman got into the front passenger seat and sat a tiny toddler aged about 12 months - on her lap!!!!!! With no seat belt!!! And then they drove off. I just sat there in disbelief that not only could the woman be so stupid but that the driver didnt say anything and just drove off like this.Can you believe any mother would be so reckless??
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Hello Pink!! I know exactly what you mean as i see this happen so often. I am always absolutely horrified at the sight of it and can't believe how utterly stupid these people are. Unfortunately they will probably only learn when, god forbid, something bad happens.
Hi Pink

its disgusting! Ive seen a few around here do that, they are usually the folks from the 'travellers' sites though. One even pulled out in front of me and i had to stop suddenly to avoid smashing straight into the passenger who had a child of about 2 sat on her lap. Scary stuff!
It beggars belief...
that is 3 offences in one and alll three adults would be fined, the two women holding the children for not having them in legally secure seating and the driver for allowing the children to be unsecure, ot is the driver exempt if the other adults are there? i thought if the person was under 14 that was not in a safety seat ir harness the driver was at fault and liable. What are the fimnes involved? That alone should bother them, even if they are thick enough not to care about safety. the child in the back seat would be propelled forward and probably take out the person sitting in front, even if they were belted in. the unsecure child in the front would end up 100 yards up the road probably.
It's the same story here and as Redcrx said they are usually the ones from the traveller camp who have branched out into the housing estates. There was one woman who has 9 kids she usually has six of these and her nephew all crammed in no booster, car seats let alone seat belts for the little ones and Ive seen the nephew sitting in the foot well at the other kids feet.

There is another woman who's children are usually jumping all over the seats as her husband drives and she holds her latest baby on her lap in the front, the eldest is usually standing between the front passenger seats.

The police never seem to be around and the Head Mistress at the school they attend does not want to know.
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Morning ladies - yes I can't still grasp how anybody could be so stupid. It was a really busy main road as well where other drivers often pull out without warning. Just makes my blood boil to think what could have happened.
The headmistress at my daughters school sent out a letter expressing her concern about car safety, and the scenes she had witnessed in just one morning.

That is s far as it went. I once saw a bloke drop his kids off at school from the back of a pick up truck.
my sister used to regularly go out in her car with my 3 year old niece in the back not strapped in at all. My niece jumps up and down in the back of the car and tries to climb into the front seats. I have told my sister time and time again to put her in a carseat. Her reply to that is usually 'oh its in the boot, i keep forgetting to get it out' I am gobsmacked that this is her attiutude. Thankfully she hasnt driven since christmas due to problems with the car but when her car is mended if she doesnt use a car seat I seriously think I will report her to the police. I have never been a grass in my life but I think when a childs life may be at risk then if I have to do it I will.
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The sad thing is that in this day and age we are all often too wary to approach people such as this and say anything for fear of repurcussions. Even if we politely mentioned how dangerous this was etc we would almost certainly get a right mouthful back, or worse.
i got slated on here a few months back, for having ago at a fella whos boy was jumping all over the back seats whilst he was driving, i told him he was out of order, and when he told me to mind my own fcuking business, i went balistic and told him i'll rip his fcuking head off, i was then told on here by some AB's that i should'nt of upset the driver as he is more of a liability now due to my agressive action, and i should feel guilty if anything would of happened to that child, what a crock of sh!te, if the fella took due care and attention in the 1st place regarding the safety of his child, i would'nt be in a position to have ago at him, i believe in telling people if their in the wrong, like i would'nt mind if someone told me if i was wrong, and if people don't like a few home truths, well tough luck, i'm not playing the do-gooder, i just don't like irresponsible people who have no value for other peoples safety and lives
its about time they started teaching life skills in schools!

its all very well knowing about cosines, the battle of 1066 and chemical elements but if you don't know the basics of life then those things won't help you.

I remember in childcare class a school - we learnt all about gestation, fertilisation, biology, the physical aspect of giving birth - but nothing about how to look after them, how to care for yourself during pregnancy, basic everyday things, like changing a nappy, that babies cries differ, how to give a bottle etc etc

people come on here all the time moaning about the mindless stupidity and downright thuggery of some people, and i think a lot of the time it really is because no-one has taught them the skills to function in society.
sometimes its not that they don't care - its that they have no idea that they are doing wrong in the first place!

the world is full of jade goody's!

i left school, not knowing how to work out how much food to buy to feed a family of 5 with 3 meals a day, how to store food and how to tell if its off

- but i knew how to make a mean victoria spongecake!
ahh education, eh?

What skills do you require for the mother in the above thread to realise that she is breaking the law, assuming she did pass her driving test?

I do agree with you about life skills etc needing to be taught in school, children really do need to see the ''real world'' out their
yet another example of stupid lazy inbred trash that are all too prevolent today.
i wouldnt let them watch a goldfish.
oh btw remember they tend to believe the mother is more loving and caring and important to a child.
show the toddler some love after its launched thru a windscreen at 30 miles an hour.
crazy dumb ass b!!!tch
yes, i can believe it. The things other people do ceased to amaze me long ago.
There are no words to describe the unnecessary risk these mothers put innocent children through. I myself have been known to get wet through than have a lift home without appropriate child seats. Wet is better than dead i feel. There are people out there who think I am odd but you only have to move from the drive and the risk is there it matters not that "its only a short drive". I must not ramble any more but I am pleased I am not alone.
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I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one horrified by this. Maybe if we all followed Laurence occasionally as well - we might get a bit of verbal abuse back, but it still might make people think afterwards about their actions.
I agreed with his actions last time. He said what needed to be said. I regularly shout my opinions at stupid drivers in the street. My friend tells me off for doing it and says one will get out and punch me one of these days. They need to be told and I don't care let them have a go they don't know the power of a disgruntled mother!!!
laurence - for a long time, unrestrained kids was commonplace, as was people not wearing seatbelts.

the attitude was, 'well its ok, everyone else does it and its not illegal so, so what'

with proper education perhaps common sense would have made these people think for themselves and think, 'actually, it may not be illegal, but logic tells me this isn't safe so i;ll do the safe thing'

how many people have changed their behavior behind the wheel because of seeing one of those warning adverts on tv, or footage of the crash test dummies?

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Irresponsible mother!!

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