Yes very normal - although it is a bit late, they normally finish teething by about 5 - 6 months. Make sure she has plenty of things to chew on to help the baby teeth come out and to strengthen the gums. Try pigs ears, knuckle or marrow bones and chewy toys such as rope raggers.
Agree with above except for pigs ears, whilst they may be beneficial to the teething process they have passed through my last 3 pups like a Ferrari on steroids ( too messy !! )
I prefer the hide chews, no ill effects and loads of gnawing.xx
hollie, don't listen to these cruel people! If you were a pig, how would you like your ears to be chewed by a dachshund, miniature or otherwise? peppy, I am surprised at you!
I was really surprised when I took Jack to the Vet for his check up when he was younger, and was told that almost all of his adult teeth were through. I hadn't seen the baby teeth go! Found a couple, and like shivvy says, have one in a little pill box on my side. ALso a little blood on one of his toys but not many.
Freezing raw hide chews seemed to help him, and I've heard others say it's helped their dog too.
Did you know they were trialling the use of pigs ears for transplanting onto humans. A man was given a pair and the doctor asked him to report back in a month. He said the left one was ok, but he'd got a bit of crackling in the other.
Bit more fun lol..... on the pigs ears.
We give our Dobe pigs ears and when we took him to our family farm, pet vietnamese pig in situ.... he kept trying to eat her ears!!! she bites!!! so not a good move hehe....
best served dried me thinks and so does the live one.....