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treatment for "lazy eye".

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LATECOMER | 16:09 Sat 24th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
1 Answers
Has anybody heard of an effective treatment for amblyopia (Lazy Eye)? I have heard of a new treatment being offered by a company called NEUROVISION, which claims to be able to improve the symptoms. Has anyone heard of any successful treatments. All opticians say the condition is untreatable so i am a little wary about the claims. Any feedback gratefully accepted


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Hi. i'm 44 now and was born with a lazy eye. In those days things were slow and it wasnt strightened up (surgically) until I was 12, by then I was almost blind in the eye. It was sraightened again at 18, but the sight has never got better. Moorfields eye hospital told me that there is no cure once you have lost vision.

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treatment for "lazy eye".

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