i posted a question yesterday about when someone asks u back to theirs do u presume its for sex? an arguement kicked off.i dont wanna mention any names but what the hell were that all about?
i know legend thinks he got reported and banned, i know i didn't report him though maybe others did , but i think he actually got auto zapped for overposting.
I only say that bevause reporting a post by abers opnly removes that post, not the entire days contribution for that user. Overposting triggers the auto suspension penalty and as all his stuff went gradually that seems to be the cause, i.e. it was self inflicted so to speak
Oh yes that one, well it was the ever popular leg end again wasn't it? Say no more. the guy types before his brain kicks in i think. Is that a side effect of over active thyroid? i have an underactive and so can't say.