i had a hysteroscopy only, last thursday, including a camera exam, scrape and insertion of mirena coil (for v heavy periods associated with menopause)., had no anaesthetic at all, not even local!. wasnt as bad as i expected, but a couple of very uncomfy moments. felt ok afterwards at first, but after acouple of hours started with awful period like pains/stomach cramps, got to the stage where i couldnt even get out of bed to the loo without hubbys help even though i was dosed up with pain killers., this continued for about 12 hours then started to ease off. im now just feel tender in the pelvic region, tried to drive today, but cant cos of humps!! so am having a couple of weeks off work and taking it v easy . At my initial outpatient appt i was given a leaflet which said if i had it done at lunchtime, i could go back to work in the afternoon!!! NO WAY.