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is it sad to see ?

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crete | 19:47 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
97 Answers
the personalities that kept answerbank going have gone to a better place , sad but inevitable .


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RB....It's not

Go over and I will send you a PM...look at the top right hand side of the will see your in that.. :-)

1. See WS's rather excellent post
2. No
3. No
4. Possibly :-)
Love the name, Sue! :o)
So are you saying naz and ray were always rude whiffey ?
I saw a lot of rays answers and they were very sensitive and helped a lot of people, and naz on music was a real help.
Wardy, I can understand you not wanting him back but not the other two.
No sallyweb I am not. Mentioning no names in particular there were occasions late at night when some of the answers became most unsavoury for a family site.

Please don't try to recruit me to a fan club, I'm busy enough with my own.
I think ray's an amazing guy, but he won't be on the other side, either. :'o(

Who were you before, sally? x
Sorry whiskey I should have said, glad to hear ray is ok, I miss him a lot, he helped me when I had split up with my partner, he gave me a lot of good advice, and naz answered some of my music questions, he was great.
I am still on here whiskey, but I was having a lot of problems so I am starting over with a new name, I would rather not say who I was I want a fresh start, I am getting my life back, thank you, :0) x
Thanks sally..I found it :o)

Just trying to work out who you
That's fair enough, hun. See you around on here... x x x
Well I joined the other site to have a nosey but my mind boggled and anyway I like answerbank,gotta admit its a lot cleaner now,more like it was before.
rosieglow, the current situation is perfect in that AB now has less chat, which is what it wanted, and Chatterbank is the perfect alternative. Why not flit between both.
Glad you found it pippa, what had you lost ? I don't come on here much, but I had a bad time just before last Christmas when we split up, but life goes on, I realise that now, I don't think you would know me pippa, as I say I never posted much, just looked. :O)
Im just glad to have answerbank back to normal whiffy:-)
And I am left to wonder rosieglow who is behind your green letters. Life needs such challenges ! :)
I aint telling ya but I like you;-))
I'm still here, I just haven't had time to get on here much in the last couple of weeks, busy with work and nursing carakeel and my daughter is visiting. So I don't really know who has gone!
Are you a member on the other site ratter15?
I'm still here too!!! :)..... as already said, people come and go.....
hi Red,nice and peaceful here since the rif raf left aint it?arf
only joking of course lol
well bin havin a look round over (the other side)so to speak
seems a bit tame at the moment,
does it get any better?

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