I had a flick through some of the questions and answers on here, I really want to try one, as I'm quite active...But first, do they overflow? and also, is there an age limit on them? and I read somewhere about sterilising them, is this hard to do and or neccesary?
I started using them a few months ago and have found them great. They save you so much oney, there is never any leaks(and I have very heavy periods) and they are very hygeinic. I don't know about age limits, I am only 18
to sterilise you can put them in a pan of boiling water for about 5-10 minutes (think that's the time that's recommended) so thats easy peasey! what sort of age limit do you mean, older or younger?
for crying out loud . talk about naive i thought you wor talking about some kind of hippy thing for christening your child, and ive just realised what a moon cup must do . you dirty gets
sophie - that wouldnt be the same pan that you make your horlicks in would it or do you have a special mooncup pan. this reminds me of the period pants thread when not only did i discover that these things existed but i discovered that my missus liked to use my shreddies.
some girls they use tampons
some girls they use cloth
ruskie dont use anyfing
she just wipes it off
actually a mooncup is much more hygienic than either tampons or pads, there has been no recorded case of a woman suffering TSS using one, they're also cleaner for the environment and i dont drink horlicks, its nasty!