On ITV2 now.. in The AnswerBank: TV
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On ITV2 now..

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peppy | 00:21 Fri 06th Apr 2007 | TV
5 Answers
Who's this bloke on the Sally Morgan psychic thing ??
He was on the Charlotte Church prog last week too


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Danny Dyer?
Quite gangsta-ish kinda mob guy, arrogant, vulgar type guy?
Lol, someone i can't seem 2 resist....
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That's him gingersticks !! C C show was the first time i've seen him but he made a real impression. Proper naughty boy, and SO attractive for it.

What's he been in. do you know ?
he has been in loads of films
Football Factory prob his biggie, he was in
prime suspect 3 years ago. he is also in hotel babylon

quite easy on the eye too lol, but too young


He was also in Skins. Michelle's mum's boyf).
he hangs out in Plaistow a fair bit and is a member of the Blockbusters there as seen him in there taking back films ! I know one of his friends - he supports West Ham and goes up there apparently too but never saw him at Upton Park!

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