I have it on the bottom of my feet and although it is not as bad as it was some years back it can still become terrribly itchy and sometimes unbearable.
like the irish guy coz actually yes i would love a piece of him , although ken would make me laugh if colin is the irish bloke then yes i would any time any place any where ! lol
I too have eczema on the soles of my feet. The doctor did try treating me for a fungal infection for about 6 months, till he sent a sample off and it came back as not fungal but eczema! I also have it on the palms of my hands sometimes. I find that just by moisturising the soles of my feet every morning and every night (I just use nivea) it keeps it under control.
Thank you alinic, I will give Unguentum M a try :-)
I too get it ocassionally on the palms of my hands although, very little these days. Your story is very similar to mine spudqueen. Coincidently, over the past two years where I have seen an improvement is just from bathing them nightly and misturising them. I too use nivea.
There is an alternative you could try, a homeopathic remedy 'graphites cream', any good health food shop will have it Nelsons have a good range of creams. There aren't the side effects from h'cortisones so might be worth a try, or visit a homeopath as there will be a remedy for the stress which could lead to no eczema, no need for the cream. Good luck.
Hi Techgirl - my son suffered from truly awful eczema when he was a toddler and nothing touched it until someone told me about SK Cream - it's entirely natural and it worked like a charm. I can't add a link as I've lost my address bar but google it and it does come up. I've introduced loads of people to it, some hve suffered for years and years, and every single one came back to say it was the only thing that had worked for them.
try Tea Tree Oil, very good for skin rashes, itch etc. use it on you feet instead of foot cream. also wash or clean you shoes with some so of antiseptic.
my son and daughter both had eczema on different parts of themselves at different times, treated mostly unsuccessfully by Dr. My aunt bought "Potter's Eczema Cream" from health food shop on offchance...voila! lovely skinned children! We now refer to it as "magic cream". You can get it online through post...costs a couple of quid.