I have had several, but the older I get the more I doubt things.At the time I was at a very low point in my life, and was suffering very badly from stress.
I remember the feeling as if it was yesterday, but it is really dificult to put the feelings into words. I was lying in my bed and felt my body jolt, and the next thing i knew was I could see myself from above, as if I was on the ceiling.There was no feeling of floating upwards, but it scared the hell out of me. On other occasions I felt like I had travelled through into some sort of parallel bedroom, but it was a scary place full of shadows. It was almost impossible to move,but I kind of knew that I was asleep and I actually managed to punch myself in the face hoping to wake myself up, which it did.This happened to me on a fairly regular basis over a period of about 6 months.I know it sounds really weird, but at the time it was really scary and affected me quite badly. Even thinking about it now still makes me uncomfortable.
This is the first time I have actually writen about it, and reading back through my answer the less I think it was an OOBE.I think it was more of a psychological problem.
I am pleased to say that this was about 15 years ago and I have not experienced anything since.