Personally I can't wait until the smoking ban kicks in as it means I will be able to go out to the pubs and clubs and not come back stinking like an old ash tray! My mate who I am always getting drunk with, has already quit in preparation and it has made such a difference as I smell of smoke soooo much less!
But... do you smokers plan on quitting or finding an alternative? Like when I was in Sheffield last weekend, many of the places are non smoking but they all had outside smoking areas!
as a smoker i am honestly looking forward to it, i actually hate smokey atmospheres, i have been in scotland lately and it works well, met some lovely ladies whilst smoking outside too
I cant wait to
My mate smoke's he says he is gonna pack it in, while the weather is nice i cant see a problam.
Wait until the winter comes and people will be moaning.
How are night clubs going to go on ?
Its hard enough to get in.
Seriously, it works in Scotland so it can work anywhere.Our winters are worse than yours lol!! Nightclubs stamp your hand so you can get back in. Its actually an ace excuse to be able to go out for some fresh air (if you stand round the corner lol) Most smokers I speak to actually enjoy going outside and apparently it's a great way to meet new people and you know you have at least one thing in common with them!
I am hoping loads of my mates quit!
The club where I spend most of my Saturday nights is building an outside area with a cover over it and tables for the smokers! While I think it is a good idea, I still think it is encouraging smoking... But I guess clubs don't want to lose business! Thing is, coz most of my mates are smokers, I know I will get dragged outside with them when they go for a smoke!
My boyfriend is planning on quiting and I really hope he does. All his mates smoke too so when we go to the pub I come back stinking - AND I have asthma too so its very unfair on me. One bloke in the pub even used to blow it at me until I threatened to thump him. He's since been barred so thats good for me!
Wait til loads of people pack in and the govt decide to tax you on something else. I smoke and agree with seperate areas, bans in certain places etc but the bottom line is that smoking is LEGAL and it won't be long before someone goes to the court of human rights and gets some of these bans overturned.