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dentists again...

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nannon | 14:23 Wed 09th May 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Has anyone got this dentsist health thing where you pay monthly or something...? I dont really know what it is but it means you save money and ive just found ou then when i got to the detist its prob going to cost me �189...Does anyone know what i'm talking about?!
If i did take out some sort of plan would i be able to have treatment straight away or not?




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weird. i was just on the denplan website looking into this.. that seemed to be saying that i had to find a dentist in my area (im in central scotland) from their list, contact the dentist and ask if they accepted new denplan patients, if they said yes then i was to go to them, have a basic check up so that they could assess what level of plan i should go onto and then i would have to pay for that (it did mention that these dentists would set their own fees for that) then i would speak to denplan again, and set up a direct debit and membership for whatever level i was meant to be at. which one were you looking at?
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Oh thats a coincidence! Thanks.

I know in total i could have to pay up to �250 and just wanted to know if it would be worth me doing a plan. I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday - do you think i should go - find out how much its all going to be and then see if they accept denta plan people? If not will i just be able to find someone who will and take the workd if the first dentist? Maybe it would have to be the dentist i sign with though....oh god i have no idea!!!

yeah, that was a coincedence, i spent half my lunch break on the denplan site then flicked over here!!
my problem is that i am not registered with a dentist at all... im not sure how that works these days as i know alot of places are full around here. so i am not sure if these places i have from denplan will accept me full stop if they are full, or maybe when they find out i am through denplan they will? im confused by it all !!
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me too! Have tried reading some sites but it confuses me. I'm not sure if its just me or the way they are written but i just don't get it! I'm going to go with its the way they're written i think....!
me aswell!! i think i might just phone these places and ask if they have places full stop. then if they say no. i shall phone again a few days later and ask if they have denplan places ... i just dont know if they really want denplan people or not !!!
i will let you know though !!
I am with Denplan - my dentist announced last year that they were opting out of the NHS and had 7000 places on a first come first served basis. Me & my husband signed up with the dentist as existing patients and they sorted the Denlan stuff out for us. I went to the dentist last week for a filling and didn't have to pay anything because it was covered by Denplan.

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dentists again...

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