Blood Groups in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Blood Groups

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Oleanda | 15:36 Sun 08th Feb 2004 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
A friend of mine claims that two people with the same blood group cannot have a child together. I cannot believe this, does anyone out there know different?
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I would guess your friend is talking about rhesus incompatibility. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_doctor/pregnancy_r
hesus.shtml Doesn't
mean they can't have a baby though, just that treatment maybe needed.
your freind is definitely mistaken. as 40% of people share the same blood group ( the most common one) this would limit your choices quit a lot. it is a noted trend that people are more strongly attracted to partners with radically different immune spectra, and therefore blood types. this is the basis of the stranger effect, where foreigners visiting a country tend to get laid a lot. The yanks used to insist on a blood test before marriage to guard against consanguinity but i never quite worked out what they were testing exactly as this was way before dna testing.
If one is A neg and One is A pos then you would have trouble but if you are both pos or neg then you will be ok
Rhesus incompatability: around 85% of the population are Rhesus positive. If a Rhesus negative mother has a baby with a Rhesus positive father the mother may generate antibodies to the baby causing problems during the pregnancy. Typically more of a n issue wth a second pregnancy but drugs can be given to prevent problems.

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