it all very well saying you have enough common sense to restrain yourself and your kids - but unfortunately the world is full of people who don't, and who will onloy think to do something if it is a rule and they may get into trouble if they don't
i know many people who for years didn't use a seatbelt, didn't strap kids in and also regularly drove with their phone clamped to their ear... these same people are now the ones who become most indignant, self righteous and disgusted when they see someone else now doing the same - suddenly everyone except them are idiots because they are not obeying the law - they only seem to have realised it is unsafe because they have made it into a law - so it must be bad...right?
they only seem bothered that they are having to follow a law, when someone else isn't.
so doc, you cannot rely on people to do the right thing, because many are too stupid to know what the right thing is.