I don't think you actually have to bother with deed polls. If you don't like your name just call yourself something else. (Middle name, different spelling, something completely different, whatever.) Then just tell other people you've done it (which you would have to do if you'd gone the deed poll route anyway). As long as you're not trying to impersonate someone else, there's no legal problem. Deed polls are needed for changing birth certificates/passports etc, I think, but if you don't mind them staying in your birth name, then just tell people 'I'm fed up with Mildred, I've changed my name to Kylie'.
The woman upstairs from me gets mail in about 12 different names. Maiden name, married name, but also a variety of her (ex-)husband's first, middle and last names (he was Spanish, so different ones get used), plus various hyphenated versions of his and her own. God knows what will happen if she marries her current man. But it doesn't bother her.