Beetles arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh !!! I hate beetles and I am absolutely terrified of them. They are sly little gits too because when you whack hell out of them with your shoe they lie there , acting like they are dead and just as you look for something to scoop them up with , they scuttle off at warp speed. It's only when you hear that horrible crunch of their shell that you know that you have got the little git. Yuk !!! I love the smell of line dried clothes and one day I put on a top I had had out on the line , just to smell it ............. until I felt something move inside it and it wasn't my boobs. No , it was a dirty big beetle scuttling across my chest eek !!! Oh and earwigs , urgh. In fact , I hate all creepy crawlies .............. but especially beetles.
I hate clowns though. They really give me the heebie jeebies. I think that it's the whole painted face idea - not knowing what sinister thoughts lurk behind that painted fake smile or what deformities lie inside those big shoes. After seeing the film IT , who WOULD like clowns?