I had an epidural too after the midwife convinced me it would be best as I needed to rest. It took 7 attempts and two anisthetists!! After it was all done, the midwife told me nothing would happen now til around 6pm....it was just after midday at this point......everyone left me to rest but I couldnt settle....I could feel nothing but had movement in my legs (mustve had a good one lol) .....my daughter was born at 2:19pm!!! The midwife was the first to come back in the room just as she was crowning!!
Max, I beleive they won't give you an epidural too sonn as, apparently, it slows the labour down.....except if you're me of course! In the meantime you can have gas and air and pethidine.......that stings like $%�^ btw!! lol
It is very common for women to poo whilst pushing, but most don't even realise, and if your midwife is kind, she won't tell you if you did to save your embarrassment! lol
So, still looking forward to it all Nat? lol