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Is there a vendetta?

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annie0000 | 23:05 Sun 10th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
Are the powers that be tying to eliminate any question that makes being on here interesting? I think that everything legend had posted has been taken off - what is the point? It is only annoying people and there was nothing offensive on there. May as well go to bed.


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it is because the site is now moderated 24/7 and we will have to get used to it.
I love both the raspberry ripple one and the mint one.
im too sophisticated to get mine removed
they are free at the KFc B00 but they never have diet pepsi so i don't go
I think the key here is quality not quantity but who am i to talk
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presumably this thing relies on advertising revenue, if we all get hacked off and de-register that is going to affect their ability to sell advertising surely?

I could see the point if there was anything offensive going on, but people are only having a laugh and surely that fits the criteria of being good for your body and soul?
Im surprised that they are working the weekend
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Isn't having a diet anything kinda defeating the object at Kentucky Fried Coronary?

Saying that, i do have a weakness for their hotwings.
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I agree to a point Dot, but if people weren't interested in joining in, there would be no responses - in that way, it is a democracy and people get what they vote for. If no-one was responding then people wouldn't post.
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all at the same time legend
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I also prefer Magnums to vendettas, but any port in a storm!
but its boring just answering questions :(((
cliff lazerenko
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i guess 3 more responses before it is zapped.
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aww legend can rhyme words now isnt that cute :)
I am a only a part-time moderator on here, with limited powers unfortunately, because I would ban so many of the inbred halfwits who crop up dribbling in their attempts to form a coherent sentence. When I have passed my exams I am going to ban everybody except B00, it's a sympathy thing to do with dark satanic mills eeh bah gum. The noo :)

You mustn't ban me whiffey. I like cappuchino vendettas.

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