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whiffey's thread went to politics lol

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dot.hawkes | 23:52 Mon 11th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
bet he's freakin out now!


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dear Mr Ed

I know what a correct statement is and i know what a question is, no need to email me and mess up my desktop.

Eh? What did I miss?
Question Author
I got an email a few mions ago from the editorial nite shift telling me that my thread entotled 'just to Clarify' from last nite, was a statement not a question.

She's getting on my nerves now
Hi dot
The wages bill must be going through the roof with them working all hours.
Or the new ed whats a new Three-Piece Suites and has to do something to get one...
It wont last she's in a new job and has to show willing she will soon get fed up. lol
Question Author
I think maybe they have recruited one of them there youth training scheme types lol
I didn't know that there WERE night staff. There you go then, shows how much I know. Have you been getting quite a few similar emails then? I haven't really been on for while so i'm a bit lost by some of the threads. When did we get a new ED ?
Is Whiffey a man ?
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he was when i last spoke to him ummmm and he played the piano for me.
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enigma there is a post from ed (three days too late cos we all noticed as we is not thick like what some folk is) telling us there is an evening a weekend mod.
Oh I see. Just working my way through the posts just now. Don't you just hate it when you're offline for a bit then try to jump back in again? It's like turning on your favourite programme halfway through or catching half a conversation. Never mind, what I don't know i'll just make up anyway :-)
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enigma that truly has to be the new site motto lol

(remember when the ed asked us all to make up a site motto? ) (Twilight Zone theme heard in the distant there)
Dot, I think you may recieve another one of those e mails. Maybe you should have put a question mark at the end of this statement/question.x
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Oh right Katie pedant rub it in lol
At times it seems as if it's a prerequisite for becoming an AB member lol.

Ooh I loved the Twilight Zone. Haven't seen that for years. Thanks though Dot for putting the damn theme tune in my head. I'll be humming that up until bedtime now !

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whiffey's thread went to politics lol

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