whatever you do steve, you are always going to upset someone so you may as well do what makes you happy, dont look at it as a failure, look at it as an experience.
Dont be indecisive, make a list of the things you really want to happen and work on how you will achieve it. Parents are always going to be upset when offspring leave home, mine were and it upset me that they were upset but they do get past it and understand that you are a grown up.
Dont worry about the job, in the big scheme of life it matters little anyway, the important thing is to find something you enjoy doing rather than something you are expected to do.
finally, re read some of your older posts to yourself, in a year from now do you want to be typing similar or do you want to make a change? Life is short and you have the world at your feet even if you cannot see it, you will kick yourself in 10 years if you dont do anything.
hindsight is mother of all lessons