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sleepy1 | 15:14 Wed 20th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
new thing on tv ...................... wonder if i can go in the house with jeremy kyle tell him i have a low sex drive can he help me sort it out lol if you have seen it on tv what would you go in the house for ???


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whats a sex drive??? lol
The back seat of a Ford Escort XR3i ?

Depends, would it be on NATIONAL TELEVISION, as Jeremy often says that most things on his show are on NATIONAL TELEVISION and that people reveal their secrets, desires and vices on NATIONAL TELEVISION every blinking day.
I would go there just to stay in the nice house!!!
sleepy the other day you said you were a big fatty.
maybe you should go in the house for that.
then that may help with your sex drive.
job done.
Question Author
im not that fat ...............what you have pic in your head of me 50 stone cant get out of bed lol
I would go in and say i had agoraphobia
well you said it sleepy.
i thot you were a big munter.

not a bad thing you said it tho doll

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