Firstly, let me correct Dot. It's not illegal to be a prostitute. It's only illegal to 'solicit' for sexual services. 'Escorts' don't do this and they are acting entirely within the law (as are those people who use their services).
I know the boss an escort agency. It's not some shady 'pimp' but an extremely attractive and intelligent business-woman, who is well-respected by everyone she meets and whose love for her young daughter shines from her eyes. Both she, and her staff, seem perfectly happy in their work.
Of course, there are some women who are forced into prostitution by their drug addiction. Some of them are obviously unhappy about what they do but others are perfectly relaxed about their occupation. i.e. it's simply a way of making a living. (I used to run a railway station, on the edge of the town's red light district and, while working night shifts, I got to know many of the 'girls'. I heard some sad stories but I also met many women who wouldn't change their lifestyle for anything. Incidentally, not one of them had a 'pimp'. They were all 'free agents').
Everyone's attitudes are different. As a balding male in his mid-fifties, the chances of me making a fortune from selling my body are minimal but, if the opportunity arose, I'd be perfectly happy to do so. I find it hard to believe that some women don't share the same view.