Did you start taking it on the first day of your period?
If so, then yes, sounds about right to me. It won't stop you bleeding straight away, it's just more effective if you start taking it on day one of the period; (I think it protects straight away then but do not quote me on that, I do not want to be held responsible for baby related incidents!)
If you're worried though as always contact your GP.
I'm just wondering if Lynneylou has only just started taking the pill or not. Usually, the doctors say that when you first start taking the pill then to take it on the first day of your period.
Hiya - i started the pill (Yasmin) the day after i got it which was not the start of my period..I bled a lot for a while when i started it, even bled during sex! It's fine once you get into the routine, and you're body gets used to it. If the bleeding persists speak to your doctor, it might be worth changing your pill. x
been on since nov 06 and changed pill in april as it was takin 12 days to stop my bleeding, maybe i need to change again??? its a pain because i am on for 10 days!!!!!
Go back to your GP and ask about other types of contraceptive. Doesn't sound like the pill necessarily suits you. Speak to your GP about how long you bleed for and ask about injections on implants which might suit you a little better. They'll know what to do that's best for your body type.
Been back to the drs and been put on a progesterone pill where you dont have a break after 21 days, been told this will stop my periods!!! anyone else use this?? any side effects???