i suspect anyone who looks foreign as being a terrorist. i get nervous if I have to travel into Manchester in case a local lad has been deluded into thinking he should blow people up he does not know. I won't be putting up with it, i will report any suspicious people who don;t look like they have at least 3 generations of British ancestry whilst carrying a rucksack and a mobile phone, and guess what, i don't care who calls me for it, i have had enough of people telling me not to be so prejudice. i am not asking for approval, just comment if you want, nasty or supporting, i don't care any more.
im sorry dot but you are being overtly rascist and trying to justify your fascist views.
i will not succumb to pressure from you here or on msn to agree to something i think is wrong.
i have standards and i dont just change to suit the crowd.
people here know that about me.
im stubborn but i say exactly what i mean and i buckle to no man.
i don't know what to reply to you all, i have been honest about my fears and worries and explained how I feel about the potential terrorist attacks on our country, if you all think i am wrong to feel how i do, fine, i hope we all survive this latest threat and we can all be right, as that seems to be your main concern, who is right and wrong, not who has feelings of insecurity in their own country.
well I meant what I said about not believing all the hype in the papers... and the fact that Shipman, who you'd never suspect, was a lot more lethal than a guy with a rucksack that you might. Anyway, just got a phone call from a colleague who was at work with me this evening but left to go home earlier... her car had not only been towed away, it had been blown up. Poor thing, anybody less like a terrorist... but they're now not only shooting people they don't like the look of they're shooting cars too. That's what comes of panicking. Hope she got home ok. She was very cross.
if the people in turkey were as rascist with you dot.
thinking youre an english lager lout scum in the sun trouble maker they wouldnt let you in the country.
but then they should be glad to welcome you.
youre englishg eh??
british empire.
we are the best
everyone else is scum.
have a reality check dot.
england scotkande wales.
land of the ned/chav where peoiple are scared to leave their houses at night.
wake up n smelll the coffee.
rascism has blinkered you dot
Dot, I tried to put my pennyworth in before. I know..cos of my Northern Irish accent ,what it is to be reviled by everyone!!..Ignored and called names,and taken off planes and put in separate lines, and believe it or not..had to wear a badge on a plane from Jersey to Belfast !!..I hated it and felt soo humiliated,but,I understood why!!...I have no recollection of anyone standing up for my human rights.
its all scum....................except the UK!!!! british beef sausages,proud to be british!! Yes i do like sausages. Mmmmmmmmm sausages.Mmmmmmmm scottish sausages.
but it isn't about racism, everyone is trying to make out it is, i never mentioned a religion at all, just the threat of terrorism, you are making this into your own argument
might've been the bit about 3 generations of British ancestry that misled them, Dot? That's one of those things that's kind of hard to check in a non-racial way. Never occurred to me you were a racist and doesn't now, but I think you're worrying unnecessarily. You're still much more likely to die or secondary smoking or being in a car accident.
sorry dot thats the point dimwit.
religion is a religion.
but you are talking about races.
thats rascism.
i dont care how you wrap it up.
sorry lindy but they shouldve supported you.but u should then realise how wrong it was.
btwe this isnt about some dafdt di concert.
stick to the point.
dot will yoiu post that youre not rascist.
and that youre not scared of asians or folk of that ilk wearing rucksacks?
or is that too much???
I know Dot, It's the usual band wagon. I know you're sound .You have to be on the receiving end to really appreciate whats racist and whats just a scared reaction,which is understandable.