Terrorist doctors in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Terrorist doctors

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MrBen5 | 08:00 Tue 03rd Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
Hearing on the news that most of the recent terrorists arrested were doctors, does this now make you think twice before you go to the doctors?
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Hi MrBen, why would it ? this must be put in perspective, I am sure while those doctors that have been arrested were working they were very efficient, the scary bit is these are educated people, not some village idiot that has been brainwashed, but anyway my Dr is welsh.so i am not one bit worried.
Why would someone presume that people are thick just because they feel passionately enough to go to extreme measures? "Terrorists" come from all walks of life. I believe that many of them are educated. And if not had the chance to be educated, are intelligent, thinking people.

Should we start a war against doctors now in the war against terror? Like we started a war against Afghanistan as the 9/11 suspects were.....oh....Saudi Arabian.
I suppose you will think twice before going to the opticians as well.
wasnt one of the 7/7 a teacher?
the war against Afghanistan began because the regime there was sponsoring al-Qaeda; though most of the bombers were Saudis, they were in effect rebels (because they disapproved of Saudi links to the west). So that action was properly targeted. As for me, I still go to see my Asian doctor and he's still never there and I have to see one of a never-ending list of locums instead, but that's a problem with the NHS, not with terrorism (I imagine).
Took my Mum last Tuesday to see a Jordanian doctor and if it was today neither of us would think twice about keeping the appointment. I can see from the recent posts on B & S that the older people who have the experience of terrorism, wars etc. dont generally balk at the latest trouble and just get on with things.
You are at more personal risk going out in your car and I dont suppose many of you will think twice about doing that.
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Hmmm, depends where you are thinking of going out in your car rabbitygirl.
jno, one of the reasons your jordanian doc is never there could be that he is doing something he shouldnt be doing somewhere else...
well I'd like to think a doctor cares about their clients wellbeing, these people dont care at all, especially about innocent people. But wouldnt change my doctor, known him for years
Unless there is police cordon around it I am driving anywhere I like or need Mr Ben. Life goes on and I'm very busy at the moment. Off now actually to that hotbed of activity - the Midlands. Hope to read less anxious posts on my return. Get a grip out there!
my doctor is a Sri Lankan, MrBen. so he's probably busy being a Tamil Tiger or something.
Will those terrorist doctors get done for smoking in a public building?
I don't think they got into the building, Elvis, so they would just have been smoking outside like everyone else. Setting your hair on fire may violate local clean-air ordinances, however.
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Apparently not ELVIS, as it wasnt an enclosed public place.
If he had ran inside the building whilst on fire then maybe he would have been given a fixed penalty notice...
The major suspect worked at our local hospital, and lives about two miles away from me.

That would no more make me think twice about going to the doctors, than the current high alert status made me think about cancelling my trip to London yesterday ( to interview Roger Hodgson - charming man).

If we cease to live our lives as we normally would, then terrorists win.

Carry on regardless, as the song says.
Hmmm, I'd like to see every plane in the world blown up, provided nobody died of course.
My docs a scot and totally gorgeous, but I wouldn't stop going if he wasn't/
To screechhe boy or whatever - ......grow up
Grow up? Get a life! Maybe if the world wasn't being destroyed by flying metal machines we'd have a world to grow up in or for our kids to grow up in. Do you actually know how to read? What's childish about the statement I made? Moron.

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