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bobtheturkey | 17:20 Wed 11th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
can you skim stones

who would win a fight between a lion and a tiger

was button moon cheap crap or a cult classic

have you ever hit 180 when playing darts

last time you made stew

did you squirt any of your pets with a water pistol as a child

what postion would you play steven gerrard if you were liverpool manager


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Hi bob
1 Yes

2 Thats easy a Tiger

3 Crap

4 Yes

5 January

6 Yes

7 Central or right Midfield
1) Yes (record is 12)
2) Tiger
3) Whose button moon?
4) Yes
5)Last week
6) Yes (hangs her head in shame)
7) Centre Forward
not tried for years
cheap crap
highest score i ever got I think was 177
never had pets
1) Only when I am near water
2) Tigers, they�re greeaaaat
3) Button Moon was a classical piece of comical and literary genius
4) I have hit 180, but that was not whilst playing darts
5) I have never made stew. My chef does that.
6) Yes, my goldfish
7) Goal Defence? Quarterback?
Do I get any recognition as being the one who started the original trivia trail?

Do I get any recognition in being the one who started the original youtube phenomena??

Do I get any recognotion in being the one who initiated body and soul to be used after CB was banned???

No I bloody don't!!!

But to answer your questions.

1) Yes
2) A lion
3) Crap
4) No
5) Camping about 3 months ago
6) Yes
7) Behind the strikers and play two wide midfielders and have a super fast attacking sweeper, straight up the middle.

Question Author
i will donate half of any royalties i get to yourself wardy
Too bloody right. My only pay for being a leading ABer is constant banning from the powers that be.

Question Author
ask yourself this, which player do fans boo at football matches? answer? the oppositions best player
Ah, but everybody boo�s the referee. Poor old AB Ed.
Piece of $hit
Good evening Bob. Hope you are well.
3)Cult classic (I love Button Moon soooo much)
6)No, just the old man next door
Question Author
180? were you standing a foot away katie? :)
No I was not!!!!! But it was a complete fluke.x
I think the answer is, use a supersize dart board bob.
Question Author
did you squeal in delight? )
Yes, and did a lap of honor round the pub!x
Question Author
you ran? :)
lmao Very slowly!!!!x
After having 50 pints, you do start to slow down.



Nearly :))))))

About a month ago

No :)))))))))

Wherever he wanted :))))))


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