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Whiskey, I can forgive many things even spittng. But I imagine you are the other kind of girl :o)
If BO, dirty fingernails, bad teeth, smoking and spitting are the major turn off for women, then I�m pretty safe. I also like to think I have nice shoes. Phew. It is funny to see through the eyes of men and women (so to speak) and how differently they view the world and its people.
One thing that has always made me turn the other cheek (the wobbly behind one) is a woman with a cigarette in her hand, it is never sexy or alluring, and just makes me think of smelly clothes and hair, her yellow fingers and bad breath. So I suppose, smoking, with all that entails.
However, this morning I encountered a very attractive (tick) non-smoking (tick tick) brunette (tick tick tick) with slender legs and a peachey bum (tick tick tick tick tick) and cast a glance ad libitum and said good morning, to which she respectfully replied but in the most God-awful accent that went far beyond assaulting my ears, and has affected me today in so many ways. So I might be changing to �bad accent�.