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queues and crossings.

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wendilla | 08:13 Wed 18th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Have you noticed when approaching queue in supermarket the person coming up beside you will walk quicker to get it front of you and when you press the button for pedestrian crossing the next person comes along and presses it again even though it says wait, and when you cross that crossing as you approach the other side the person on your right will walk right in front of you to go left or vice versa.


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Yep - my pet hate - bad manners. I just keep my cool and smile inside glad I am not rude!!

also when you hold a door for someone and they dont say thank you - very rude. and in the car you let someone out and they ignore you.

They will all go to Rudeness Hell and we will go to Polite Heaven!!
Sorry wendilla, i've hijacked your post somewhat.

I have noticed what you've posted above, manners cost nothing, alot of people are extremely rude these days, it could be down to upbringing of children {tho alot of adults do it} or different cultures ie the good old fashioned British queue what dosen't seem to exist nowadays.
I hate it when in supermarkets a couple of people will block the aisle to have a chat and give you daggers when you say "excuse me please"

I wouldnt mind but you have to say it louder and louder until they bother to acknowledge you!
People who stop dead when they get off an escalator or a lift, 3 or four people taking up the whole width of the pavement -leaving you to shuffle slowly behind them...grrr!
I don't always walk very fast , and if I hear someone right on my shoulder I usually step aside to let them past , all very well unless they then decide to stop dead or go slower.
Ooo and yes , bad manners , good manners cost nothing but mean a lot .
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Thanks for replies more answers in the next post from laurence 2

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queues and crossings.

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