Just put an original quote of your own concoction here for others enjoyment or dismay. Don't quote your favourite quote from someone else or owt. For example "Twenty cans of beer will give you one good night, but two bad days"
In certain situations, especially after the fact, one might ponder the wisdom of the following statement:
"Nothing said is worth repeating . . . and you can quote me on that!"
OK, perhaps I�m not the first to state the double entendre in the first part of the sentence, but to my knowledge, as a whole it is an original, although I doubt that either to be the case. In any case . . .
....my x-father in law , who was a scouser, had some classics, I wish I would have jotted them down over the years here are two that I can remember....
....(to his wife, when she was having a good old nag) ...jeez Annie you're like a tramp's overcoat...always on
..... (after a top fry-up).... mmm I'm full as a pear box....