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leelapops | 13:40 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
I am getting a tattoo on Wednesday (after much thought, etc.) Does anyone have any advice? And no, I don't mean of the, "don't scar your body forever, what are you thinking?" variety! Thanks all.


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dont pick at the scab no matter how much it itches. Hard not to but try your best. Keep it moisturised with any cream. I have 3 tattos and they all mean something to me. It is gonna hurt but its not a constant pain. Try to talk to someone as this takes your mind of it. Good luck x
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Hi gs, that sounds pretty. Oooooh, two at once-hardcore! I am nervous about the one, particularly as it's my first.
pixie, good advica ta. Hearing lots about prep H, so will probably invest in a tube of that! Also a plain vit E moisturiser.

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