I'm an 18 year old girl and for the last 7 years have had major problems with my mother.She is a bit weird and won't let me do anything. I am not allowed to wear make up,dye my hair,shave my body hair,eat food that contains artificial additives,have a boyfriend,wear skirts above my knee or tops that are anywhere near low cut! Iam not allowed to sleep over at friends houses because she says I will not be able to sleep,I am allowed to go out with friends in the evening but am not allowed to stay at their house and she always makes an excuse for why I can't leave the house.I'm not allowed high heel shoes,nail extensions,fake tan,to use a hair dryer.And the worst is she thinks it is bad to wash everyday and will only let me wash every week! I have to be asleep by 11 or I am in huge trouble.I've lost most of my frieds because they think I'm weird. It's not me it's her.My Dad is fine.What is wrong with her? The only other woman I know like her is my Muslim friend's mother! I'm off to Uni ina few months whch will help the situation but will not solve anything
My Dad has now and again put his foot down and said she was being ridiculous like with the mobile phone but apart from that he believes brining up the childre is my mum's domain
i just thought that when i was little (like 11/12 ) my dad would not allow me to do these things simply because i was too young and didnt want me to grow up. The difference is that when i did grow up he stopped. maybe you r mum suffers from some sort of OCD and it is now become an obsession for her,
Its certainly not right though - not now you are 18. When you go to Uni you will be your own person and she will not tell you what to. You don't have to come home if you feel that she will be the same - she might actually stop anyway after you leave - she may finally realise you are an adult.
i find it strange that she is actually letting you go to uni at all from what your saying. She knows then that she will not be able to tell you what to do!
Childline caters for anyone in need, whilst they will talk to children and young adults (presume that means anyone of teen age) they also have an adult helpline: 0808 800 5000.
I sense that this is all a load of ballox, especially with the little hint at religion and makeup at her wedding (???), but there really is no question here, so what is there to answer, other than pointing someone in the right direction?
It is a form of abuse as she is preventing you to develop into a young lady.
I also think she may have OCD and you are her obsession like nannon said.
It really is not fair and is suffocating you. I would advise once in uni to see about finding a flat to share or something, and putting your own foot down and telling her she cannot run your life that you need to grow up. Try and also speak to your Dad about this.
He says he thinks its your mums job to bring you up, well you have been brought up you are NOT a child anymore so you should now be able to speak to him, get his support and maybe you both can speak to her.
Good luckx
get a backbone girl, you are old enough to do what you want. Explain to your mum you're not going to break the law or anything you would just like to be an individual and not live by her rules.
how strange
i would just leave, i wouldnt put up with that.
my parents were nothing like this but i still left at 19 cos i wanted to see what the big wide world was like
So your mother is a mad catrholic woman and probably called you Carrie, yet she allows you to have a Muslim friend.
I too smell a Gorbachev.
You could have left home at 16 and certainly can now. Pack you bags and leave. Go to the local authority who will house you due to your age and then sort out a full grant for UNI stating you have cut all ties with your folks.
no parent with OCD and such a desperate need to protect a child would watch them go off to uni away from home.
Im sorry nannon and confused but i cant see this one as being completely truthful, sadly. Besides, uni students usually know that a space is required after punctuation, unlike russians.
your 18 why not move out,or go and stay at a friends,she cant stop you doing things your an adult now,try sitting down with her and telling her how you feel,talk to another family member who might be able to help you out.she does sound very strange
and i agree with someone who said earlier that some people can be son nasty on this site!! and have nothing better to do than mess someones day up by giving giving them a Fu***d up response!
like i said it's a load of ****
look at me i am 18 and not allowed out can only get washed once a week. if im not sleeping by 11pm woe betide me, but on the other hand it's okay cos i am going to uni so the last seven years of life will be all forgotten about
aye nae bother pinnochio
I did think at first it may be a rat, but you never know, so just incase i still gave my opinion because i do know it does happen in some households, if it is a rat then its a shame people do that, they are just sad!!