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Should women be allowed to post views in the news section?

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MrBen5 | 16:39 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
90 Answers
Sorry if i offend anyone here, but do you think women should be posting their views in the news section?
Its known that women dont really follow news stories or understand politics.
Its like a guy posting in a womens section on here...


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Well come on Benny Boy - I am quite sure you don't mean it as it comes across but we're living in the noughties and everyone is entitled to an opinion - in between filing nails and applying lipgloss I do like to partake in a bit of current affairs. Stop the press but even I've got the news on as I type and am known to peruse the financial sections of the papers!! :)


Well said! An Aber with a cartoon name posts this muck!

Apologies for little run in earlier!


How do you know he is single? How can you know all this stuff?!?!

Are you single?
what a sarcastic question that is MrBen5 ! should you actually be posting at all if you ask such ridiculous questions???!!!...... somehow me thinks NOT!!!!
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Hmmm, so if its such a ridiculous question then who is the more ridiculous annalou. Me for posting it or you for replying to it?
I would love to hear your answer...
MrBen5 - merely posting i am! couldn't you think of anythink better to post??? seems to me and numerous others that you are simply a CHAUVINISTIC PIG... hope you're not married..... feel so so sorry for her if you are!!!!
Sorry Scarlett - so didn't want to post to this numb scull - but just had to, only to get a point over - blokes like him should be locked in a cellar, fed bread and water, then maybe the possibility of getting out once he understands the reality of the real world.................women are equal... you durh brain MrBen5 !!!!
Im just watching Misery, maybe a spell with Kathy BAtes would sort Mr Ben out.
Gone to consult your thesaurusist MrBen5??? or are you trying to update your worldwide uptodate knowledge of the news by watching 'news night'???!!! LOL the later i reckon - what say the rest you girls??!!
hey yeah Goodsoulette!! good idea!! could be onto something there!! he's obviously gone to bed early as he's probably gota get up early as he's got a really important job!!!??? (somehow i don't think so)...........
That 16 year old doesn't have a clue eh? If women ruled the world it would be blown to bits in the time it takes for an egg to leave the ovaries, travel down the fallopean tubes and into the uterous and there'd be nobody capable of rebuilding anything by the time it's safe to come out of the bunkers.
Yes well, at least I'm not fondling my privates and drinking myself into a state where I believe I am the sole object of every single woman�s affections, which no doubt you where doing at 16.
Actually, you probably believe the latter now, being a sexist, chauvinistic pig and a ****.

"That 16 year old" has a name, and if you would like a slanging match with "That 16 year old" then "That 16 year old" would be happy to oblige. In fact, "That 16 year old" is pretty confident that most of the mature and intelligent women ABers would probably be on her side.
It's "fallopian" and "uterus" by the way, but glad to see you know what you're talking about, 'skreech'.
Clairey, Skreech is alright.... he's having a bit of fun. A bit of irony, we the audience know hes messing around but you have fallen into his trap to kinda help prove a point.

Honestly hes one of the more tolerant and tolerable ABers.
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Hmmm, thanks annalou.
Another one who proves my point why women shouldnt be allowed into the news section. Silly name calling and bitchtness has no place in politics or news.
I cant believe you carried on reposting annalou in such a 'ridiculous' question.
I am not married and i am not a male chauvenist. I just think there are certain areas where men and women shouldnt mix...
I was going to disagree with you on this until I read my past contributions in the news section! I think I'll stay out of there from now on!lol.x
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Ha ha, morning Katie :)

The point is, you liken your question to posts about pregnancy that men could answer.

Men cannot be pregnant.

You assume that women do not follow the news.
WHY? This is nothing to do with physical build such as having a womb. As Joey says, women can't be penis models. But that's about it! I watch the news every day, and when my TV is on in the background I have it on Channel 501- Sky news. This means I get to hear (and follow) the news several times a day. I also read it on my PC welcome page.
And as far as I know, all women do the same!
You are sadly deluded if you think women don't follow the news. It's like me assuming that men don't cook. Of course, they do. They have to or they would starve. Some fortunate ones rely on their wives, but hell of a lot of men are single, or just like to cook.

If this is indeed, as I first thought, not a joke post, I worry about you. You clearly know nothing about women! Do you even know any?
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Thanks scarlett :)
I was waiting for you to post too.
My patience paid off. :)
You say dont bother posting into a post like this and you prove my point again. You come on and post a rant.
The news section is about politics and news, not about name calling and trying to insult peoples intelligence.
Thats for sections like this.
I was beginning to think maybe my question was offensive or wrong until i got posts like yours on it...
Gordon Bennet Ben, you could write a book on how to be a complete failure with the girlies.

Your question was rude and potentially offensive. Believe it or not some women could dance circles around you with their knowledge of current affairs (news readers are not just picked because they are good looking) and yet they still struggle and get treated like second class citizens in the work place.

Body and Soul isnt for insulting people but I suggest if you dont want to be called a chauvinist pig, you shouldnt act like one.

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