Just read it on the other thread B00 so don't type what happened as I'm sure it must be painful and somewhat frustrating trying to type! Hope it heals well and your better soon :o) xx
I read it on the other thread too and as the typing was so good and the spelling even better i reckon you have hired yourself a secretary lol can you sue the person who left that slippery slope there?
dotty- broke right wrist, im left handed, though difficult typing one handed, yup, was camping, only a couple of days worth of rain, not bad for the lakes eh? lol
wingy- had a great time till i fell on the bloody beach thanks, you ok too?
you are kidding right wingy? my sympathy from Mr Boo lasted till about Wednesday when the novelty obviously wore off for him by then, back to normal now, just slower!! If I do ask for help you'd think I'd requested his kidney or something the way he sighs and rolls his eyes.