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I hope...

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Silversky | 00:45 Tue 14th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
You're very happy with your life Doc Spock =]


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And you tell me to 'grow up'? Im not the one attempting to ridicule a 16 year old girl. Take a long, hard look at yourself. I am rarely drawn into any crap on this site, I have witnessed your purile spouting on many an occasion but have refrained from making a comment as, quite frankly, I am above that. But your ridiculous ranting tonight really does hit a new level altogether.
Out of the mouths etc

Empty vessells.

Do I detect a barage of single mum assaults.
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I'm sure she'd make a much better parent than you my dear spock =]
No such animal silver, dream on
I Don't want to trade pedigrees of childrens achievments but mine would leave yours standing.
Why would you assualt a single mum? Their life is hard enough, what with them having b*stard kids and all that. Shame on you.
I dont have kids, I am a career woman at present thank you very much. And I did very well at school considering all the fornicating i was doing.
Most single mums get pregant to get a council house.
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I probably agree with you on that one.
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Most men like you get put in a home.
And yes Doc, of course you're children are perfect virgins with perfect careers and are multi-millionaires.
We all live in the real world.
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And yes... I agree too. haha.
He aint that bad, just needs a bit of supervision to ensure he takes his medication.
It bugs me when kids, yes kids (16) are more concerned about painless penetrative sex than pursuing their education. Do not talk about bringing up kids, my wife left when my daughters were 10 and 8.

One is a teacher now, the other a chartered accountant. I brought them up with full knowledge of all that was important including sex education. It ****** me off when oooooh whatever.
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....But still, in the home. obviously.
So yes, as I asked earlier... What would you do Doc- if one of your duaghters got an STI?
You would think it would be lights out by now, what kind of home is it that lets them run amock and stay up until all hours??
very briefly, my2nd wife left me when my daughters where 10 and 8. The youngest is now a teacher and the eldest a chartered accountant. I educated them in all aspects of the adult world. You lot know fcuk all about the real world and silvy, if all you can ask is how to get a painless sh@g, that says it all.
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Well... maybe he escaped. And now they've put him back in the cage.
Ahh, I've actually had a good day. I was on the phone (to my boyfriend actually. ahaha), and I was suddenly absolutely stunned. I had to ring off, and start talking on here.
I couldn't believe what he'd written, I was just like what the hell?
Whats the point in all this?
Good night children, happy shagging silver, it seems it is all you will ever be good at, well maybe.
goodnight children

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